Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 692E - S-Trans & Queer/Color Thought

Cameron Awkward-Rich

TU 2:30PM 5:00PM

UMass Amherst
South College Room W465
Since its coining at the turn of the twenty-first century, queer of color critique (and later trans of color critique) has come to name the vital project of queer/trans theorizing attentive to the racial and colonial histories that undergird the categories of ?gender? and ?sexuality.? In this mixed grad/undergrad seminar, we will first trace the development of trans/queer of color critique in the United States as simultaneously a continuation of black and woman of color feminism as they were articulated in the 1970s/80s; a site of disidentification with queer and trans theory; and a practice emerging from trans/queer of color expressive culture and world-making. In the second half of the class, we will ask after how trans/queer of color thought helps us to know about disability, migration, settler colonialism, sex, erotics, and aesthetics, among other key terms.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.