Arabic 301 - Advanced Arabic II

Advanced Arabic II

May George

M W F 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM

Smith College
Dewey 104
This course helps students reach advanced proficiency in Arabic through language study and content work focused on Arab history, literature and current events. The course focuses on developing truly active control of a large vocabulary through communicative activities. Grammatical work focuses on complex grammatical constructions and demands increased accuracy in understanding and producing complex structures in extended discourse. Preparation for class and active, cooperative participation in group activities are essential to students’ progress in this course. Requirements also include active participation in class, weekly essays, occasional exams and presentations and a final written exam. This course covers Al-Kitaab, Book 3, units 5-10 in addition to extra instructional materials. Prerequisite: ARA 300, or the completion of Al-Kitaab, Book 3, lessons 1-5, or the equivalent. Students must be able to use formal spoken Arabic as the medium of communication in the classroom. Enrollment limited to 18.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.