Arabic 302 - Third-Year Arabic II

Third-Year Arabic II

Mohamed Hassan

M/W/F | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM

Amherst College
Johnson Chapel Room 202

Arabic 302 expands on previously acquired foundations in Third-Year Arabic I in speaking, listening, writing, and reading, with special attention focused on learner production of Modern Standard Arabic and one Arabic dialect. Coursework includes readings and listening materials on a variety of social, historical and cultural topics related to the Arab world, practical and reflective written assignments, and discussions on essential cultural patterns. The work in this course is designed to help students solidify Upper Intermediate High/ Advanced Low proficiency in Arabic. In addition, students will continue to learn and use increasingly sophisticated grammatical and rhetorical structures and practice Advanced-level linguistic tasks, such as presenting cohesive essay-length discourse, defending opinions on abstract topics, and add approximately 500 new words and expressions to active vocabulary. By the end of the course students will be able to:

Understand fully and with ease short texts that convey basic information and deal with personal and social topics to which the reader brings personal interest or knowledge. Students will be able to understand some connected texts featuring description and narration;

Understand, with ease and confidence spoken Arabic-language short discourse stretches and derive substantial meaning from some connected texts;

Demonstrate the ability to narrate and describe in the major time frames of past, present, and future in paragraph-length discourse with some control of aspect and converse with ease and confidence when dealing with routine tasks and a variety of social situations.

Write compositions and simple summaries related to work and/or school experiences. Narrate and describe in different time frames when writing about everyday events and situations of a short essay length.

Increase engagement with different aspects of Arabic cultural life

Requisite: ARAB 301 or equivalent. Limited to 18 students. Spring semester. Five College Senior Lecturer Hassan.

How to handle overenrollment: Priority given to ASLC majors, then to class year (seniors first).

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: In this course students will use textbooks, audio and video instructional and authentic materials and teacher-prepared materials and exercises. Assessment tools in this course assess the four language skills and are based on attendance and class participation, homework, quizzes, a mid-term and final written exams, in addition to oral presentations and listening evaluation.

Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.